Monday, November 5

well armed

There's an art to stacking bracelets, and one key trick is to mix metals, styles (vintage and modern) and textures, as shown above. These stunning--and well-priced!--pre-mixed sets from Noir Jewelry, Ashley Pittman, Topshop, and River Island make stylish arm parties fast and easy.


dulci said...

Hey, I love your blog. Seriously. Love it. Wanna come over to my closet and tell me what to wear?

Marlien Rentmeester said...

Love your blog too! I'll let you know the next time I'm in NYC!

Sarah Morabito said...

I credit Refinery29 for leading me to this blog, but it's you're consistent hits and ability to edit the online retail-webs that keeps me hooked! AND to my delight you mentioned Ashley Pittman's bangles - who I work for(we're based in LA and I'm also an NYC transplant 3 years strong!). I did a double take when I saw her name in hyperlink :) Glad to know we're in your sights - it's so validating! Happy holidays to you and yours and I hope someday to cross paths in this wonderful west coast city! -Sarah

Marlien Rentmeester said...

So happy to hear from you--and know that our tastes are aligned! Would love to meet up one of these days!

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