Monday, October 21

flat out

I have no idea what I was thinking on Saturday afternoon when I attempted to move a king-size upholstered headboard on my own. It ultimately fell smack dab on top of my right big toe--it hurt so badly! But then later, of course, I put on my heels and headed to a dance party, where I, with the help of my friend tequila, proceeded to boogie-woogie all night long. On Sunday morning, the consequences of my actions were revealed: I could barely walk. Woe is me. It looks like I am going to be wearing flat shoes for days to come. Of course, the one upside is an excuse to buy a new pair of flats (or two!) that I will be excited to hobble around in. So far, I've dug up these comfy contenders from Jenni Kayne (similar to the pair above), Schutz, Aquazurra, and Zara

Photo: Pinterest


The Channeling said...

Hi Marlien,

I'm a longtime fan of the Jenni Kayne flats, but do you of anywhere I can find a less expensive pair of d'Orsay flats? In the $200 range (or less) !?

Anonymous said...

Chinese Laundry "Easy Does It" Flats. I bought the blue suede at Piperlime for 60.00. Nordstrom's also have them.

Marlien Rentmeester said...

Yes those Chinese Laundry's look nice as do these and I like these Jeffrey Campbell's as well

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