Monday, September 29

screen time

I happened upon this super cute "73 questions" video interview with Reese Witherspoon on this morning. My favorite part... 
       Interviewer: "Favorite website?"
       Reese: "LE CATCH!"
My second favorite part... her back handspring on her backyard trampoline. Check it out here!


Anonymous said...

So great!

VSimmonds said...

I had to rewind when I heard it!

jstevens said...

It's my favorite fashion site, too!

Anonymous said...

Well-deserved! You really find the best things. I check in every day!

Anonymous said...
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Annie Reeves said...

I'm with Reese!!

Annie Reeves

Gabrielle | Savvy Home said...

I was so happy for you when I watched the video yesterday! A truly well deserved mention :) xo

Laura L. said...

Looks like we're not the only ones who can't wait for your posts each day!

Unknown said...

Right on! Well done.

Jackie said...

OMG CONGRATS!!! That is amazing and well deserved!


A Note On Style said...

Congratulations on a well-deserved mention!

KMAsher said...

1) I agree with Reese, this is the best fashion blog out there, period.

2) I love Reese even more now and think that we should be best friends based on the similarity of (what would be) my answers to hers.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Must confess I check you and Garance everyday...bit addicted.

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