Monday, November 10

flat out love

A Saturday night charity gala followed by a Sunday baby shower brunch meant hours and hours of high-heeling--and foot assaulting. And so, the moment I exited the door at shower-end yesterday, I unstrapped my stilettos and shuffled barefoot down the street toward my car. I must have looked quite discombobulated, for as a car approached, slowed down and then rolled past I looked up to see a couple (it happened to be Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell) staring at me from within, with looks of grave concern on their faces. On the ride home, I naturally started thinking about flats, and how, when selected and styled just right, offer quite a bit of elegance minus all the torture. I'd like to take a cue from London-based stylist Caroline Issa, who stylishly flits from around in easy-to-walk-in yet dramatically elegant lcae-up flats. (Hers are by Christian Louboutin.) Some other lacy statements include this pretty ankle-wrap flat and this suede shoe, both from Aquazurra, this leopard print Gianvito Rossi, this Free People and this Jeffrey Campbell.

Photo: Tommy Ton


Jackie said...

Oh my gosh. love those flats pictured. wow, totally perfect.


Anonymous said...

Loving those gorgeous lace up flats - they remind me of Irish dancing soft shoes back home in Ireland - probably the point/where he got his inspiration!!


Anonymous said...


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