Thursday, November 9

make-up shop



At 6:55AM this morning, I logged on to H&M's website to get first dibs on the 7AM launch of the much-anticipated Rabanne x H&M collection. The website promptly informed me that it was reworking its site in anticipation of high demand and that it would refresh automatically when it was my time to shop. So there I sat, patiently (kinda sorta) watching my laptop screen (and phone screen as back-up!) to refresh for 23 minutes. Nothing. So, then I decided that I would just open a new tab and try logging in again and, behold, the site was up and running and--GRRRRR!--and pretty much everything already was sold out, namely the dress I had wanted, above. What did I do then? I engaged in some revenge shopping, naturally. Hello, beaded skirt and pearl-studded, tulle-sleeved sweater from Zara. I also ducked into the Rabanne x H&M's men's collection and scored this red turtleneck and classic pea coat.




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