Tuesday, December 5

twin pact

There was time when I would sneak into my twin sister's room, scared of ghosts or thunder or both, and beg to sleep in her bed. Most of the time she'd let me. Some nights, she would negotiate payback: make her bed in the morning or load the dishwasher after dinner, and if I agreed to her terms, she'd let me. Fast forward to present day and our I-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-mine terms of agreement remains: shoot my picture in exchange for clothing in my closet. Thankfully, this deal works pretty much every time, no dishwashing included. The latest transaction: she took my pic in her berry-filled garden over the weekend and repossessed my just-acquired Alex Mill cardigan, above--and then snapped up the scarf, below, this reversible jacket and this fair isle turtleneck in the gift guide I curated on Alex Mill's website. Um, I think she got the better end of the deal!



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