Thursday, December 28

before and after


Marlien Rentmeester rothy's

Last night before going to bed, I scrolled through all of my pictures taken in 2023 and paused when I saw this snap from November 8. It was shot during a festive luncheon at my house, one of the few I've had this past year, but perhaps one of the most fun. It features me (Rothy's Mary Janes) and my friend Asha (Rothy's clogs), but what it actually captures is pre-holiday me (polished/prim) and post-holiday me (casual/easy), because I'm now living in the clogs. I'm even wearing them as I write this!  Though these styles may seem vastly different, they're both grounded in comfort, and for me, that's a year-round style mandate. I love them both! 

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