Tuesday, February 17

the frigid fur-cast

new york fashion week street style

Along with snow and minus 15 degree wind chill, last weekend's winter storm also precipitated a fur stole takeover on the streets of New York City. Not only is this plush accessory heat-sealing, but outfit-making, and the more printastic and colorful, the better. I found some fun faux fur options from Asos, all on sale, including this one (pictured above), this one (similar to the last pic) and this one

Photos: Harper's Bazaar, Style Bistro, Grazia, Vogue, The Cut


Runway2Street said...

Yay! We love that Sofie is wearing Jamie Wei Huang jacket and shoes in the first pic!

Unknown said...

I covet the green coat with bright orange lining in the second to last pic! Any idea who makes it?

Marlien Rentmeester said...

The green coat costs $159 and can be found at this link:


Unknown said...

Wow, wasn't expecting such a reasonable price! Thank you!

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